Dos and Don’ts of Displaying Colorado State and Federal Labor Law Posters

Displaying labor law posters is crucial for employers to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations. In Colorado, employers must adhere to specific guidelines when displaying labor law posters in the workplace. This article provides a comprehensive guide on the dos and don’ts of displaying Colorado state and federal labor law posters, helping employers understand their responsibilities and avoid potential pitfalls.

Dos of Displaying Labor Law Posters

Do you know which posters are required?

Familiarize yourself with the specific labor law posters mandated by the state and federal government. In Colorado, these typically include posters related to minimum wage, safety and health regulations, anti-discrimination laws, and workers’ compensation.

To display posters in a conspicuous location

Place the posters in an area accessible to all employees, such as break rooms, common areas, or near time clocks. Ensure they are visible and not obstructed by other objects.

Do ensure posters are in the correct language

Make sure the posters are displayed in English and Spanish, as Colorado law requires. This ensures that all employees can understand their rights and protections.

Do keep posters up to date

Regularly review and update your labor law posters to reflect any changes in regulations or requirements. Replace outdated posters promptly to remain compliant with the law.

To provide remote access to remote workers

If you have employees working remotely or off-site, ensure they have access to the required labor law posters through electronic means, such as email, company intranet, or a dedicated online portal.

Do seek legal counsel if unsure

If you have questions or uncertainties regarding which labor law posters are required or how to display them properly, consult legal counsel or contact relevant government agencies for clarification. It is better to seek guidance to ensure compliance rather than risk non-compliance.

Do maintain a record of poster placement

Keep a record or log indicating the date when each poster was displayed and the location where it is placed. This documentation can be useful in demonstrating compliance during audits or inspections.

Do consider laminating posters

To protect the posters from damage, consider laminating them. Lamination helps preserve the posters’ readability and durability, ensuring they remain legible and intact over time.

Do encourage employee engagement

Foster a culture of compliance by involving employees in the process. Communicate the importance of labor law posters, encourage employees to read and understand them, and provide avenues for them to ask questions or seek clarification.

Do review industry-specific requirements

Depending on your industry or business type, additional labor law posters or regulations may be specific to your sector. Research and comply with any industry-specific requirements to ensure full compliance.

Don’ts of Displaying Labor Law Posters

Don’t hide or remove posters

Avoid placing posters where they may be obstructed or hidden from view. Ensure they are always easily accessible to employees and not covered or removed without proper cause.

Don’t rely solely on digital formats

While electronic access is essential for remote workers, it is not a substitute for physical posters in the workplace. Ensure that all on-site employees have access to the required posters in a visible and prominent location.

Don’t use outdated or unofficial posters

Only use official posters from reliable sources, such as the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) or the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Using outdated or unofficial posters may lead to non-compliance and legal consequences.

Don’t neglect bilingual requirements

In Colorado, posters must be displayed in English and Spanish to accommodate the state’s diverse workforce. Failure to provide the required language accessibility could result in violations and penalties.

Don’t underestimate enforcement and penalties

Failure to comply with labor law poster requirements can lead to fines, penalties, or legal action. Stay informed about the consequences of non-compliance and take necessary steps to meet the obligations.

Don’t display posters in inappropriate locations

Avoid placing labor law posters in restrooms, private offices, or areas where they may not be easily seen or accessed by employees. Ensure that posters are displayed where employees can regularly see and read them.

Don’t cover or deface posters

Avoid placing other materials, notices, or objects over labor law posters, as this can obscure important information. Similarly, do not deface or alter the posters in any way that may compromise their readability or accuracy.

Don’t rely on outdated information sources

Be cautious of relying on outdated or unofficial sources for labor law posters. Ensure you obtain the most recent versions directly from authorized government agencies or reputable sources to guarantee compliance with current regulations.

Don’t overlook multilingual requirements for non-English speakers

If you have employees who do not understand English or Spanish, make an effort to provide translations of the required labor law posters in their native language. Ensure all employees can comprehend their rights and obligations.

Don’t disregard posting requirements for remote workers

Even if you have remote workers, ensure they receive the necessary labor law posters electronically. Consider using email, an online portal, or other electronic platforms to provide remote workers access to the required posters.

Best Practices for Displaying Labor Law Posters

Designate responsibility

Assign an individual or department to oversee the proper display and maintenance of labor law posters. This ensures accountability and timely compliance.

Regularly audit compliance

Conduct periodic reviews to verify that all necessary posters are displayed correctly and in a conspicuous location. Address any gaps or deficiencies promptly.

Educate employees

Provide information and training to employees regarding their rights and responsibilities outlined in the displayed labor law posters. Promote awareness and a culture of compliance within the organization.

Stay updated on changes

Stay informed about any modifications or additions to labor laws that require updated posters. Monitor government websites or subscribe to newsletters to stay updated with the latest regulations.


Complying with Colorado labor law poster requirements is essential for employers to ensure a fair and safe working environment. Employers can avoid potential legal issues, penalties, and liabilities by following the dos and don’ts outlined in this article. Regularly review and update the necessary labor law posters, display them prominently, and provide access to remote employees. By taking these steps, employers can demonstrate their commitment to compliance and create a culture prioritizing employees’ rights and well-being.

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Quick and easily select the posters you require.